I certainly hope not.
Granted that Israel and its citizens have been subject to countless acts of terrorism and gratuitous violence, just like our fellow human Iraqis today (or the countless others before---Tutsis-Armenians-Jews-AfricanAmericans-political dissenters-heretics-immigrants-those that are different & so forth---)the conflict that clearly has skyrocketed to the forefront of international attention between Israel and Hizbollah militants in Lebanon is tragic, troubling, and personally highlights the absurdity of the collective state of spirituality /or religious interpretation, and the human condition that accompanies our lives in the world today.
Where are we, as humans, headed? Will it take a hostile alien invasion for us to realize that, although different in millions of precious, beautiful, and at times touchy ways-we are all capable of contributing towards the development and enrichment of the human experience-past through learning, present through compassion, and future through knowledge.
Perhaps I'm being ideal. We see, hear, smell, and do nothing or maybe even contribute to the negative more often than most would care to admit.
Hip-Hop. Personally I think this is a conflict that Hip-Hop has only recently begun to organize itself, through members of the community, into some sort of tangible entity that can influence situations like the aforementioned in more than just a marginal or secondary manner. This most recent rise in violence in the Middle East is the most current event in a conflict that through thick-and-thin, breaks and mistakes, has lasted thousands of years. Hip-Hop culture-a term I will use to describe the global community that has developed around the Afro-diasporic youth culture born in the Bronx, NY-is at most forty years old.
Perhaps we could make a difference in the global effort to create peace by stopping some of the killings in our own communities right here, wherever here is for you. You hear of torture in CIA prisons, Iranian jails, Russian goulags...but recently a story has surfaced about torture amongst American university students.
There are calls for international solidarity condemning the violence, primarily in the Middle East. Shame on the G8 countries' leadership for their pathetic statements concerning the situation. If you are indeed the leaders of the so-called civilized world, and the most powerful nations, use some of that clout to broker peace.
Don't get me wrong. I love my country. The United States of America is a big part of who am I today. I've utilized the freedoms I've been given. I applaud and appreciate but deplore and detest some of the actions of our government and the citizens who make it up.
I think the biggest question for Hip-Hop, once it becomes politically organized and capable of popular, coherent policy making is: Change the system from within? Or pressure the system from without?
Back to the immediate issue...
I wish we could say that this needs to stop right now...
I wish we could say that this is unexpected...
But that is unrealistic and ignorant, respectively.
I wish we could objectively and definitively articulate every political and military entities' opinions, goals/motives, genuine allegiances, etc. For example, does George W. Bush really think that Syria is directly responsible and in control of Hizbollah's actions? Did Iranian leaders carefully time, organize, and facilitate the kidnappings? Don't most of the people in the world just want to live peacefully, enjoy fun times with loved ones, make an honest living, and share their knowledge, talents, and spirit with others? What would China do if Samuel Huntington's predictions about a clash of civilizations started first between the West and Islam? Has America actually lost control-the kind associated with a hegemon-of the situation? Do the religious clerics that preach violence really believe that this is what God wants...to kill? Would Mahmoud Ahmadinejad not enjoy rollin' with me in a Benz going 100 down I-280 in CA knockin' (loudly playing) some sublime, invigorating music-such as Santana? And the list goes on, and on, and on. The main point is I wonder who (all the major, highly influential parties involved) is pulling the strings, what strings are being pulled, and why!
I'm not sure if anyone knows how to solve the problems of the world. I guess all we can do, that is those of us who want harmony, well-being, and happiness for our fellow humans is to try and spread hope, wealth, comfort, and health to the humans of the world. I stress, it's ludicrous to expect to make up for all the injustices that humans are guilty of over the course of history. However, it is simple to conduct yourself in a way that is honest, generous, appreciative, respectful, and most of all above all the everyday nonsense that doesn't really matter and adds to the negative, hopeless, and hateful.
My final paragraph. I'm grateful for my life, my friends, and my family. My thoughts are with the families of victims of violence in the Middle East and I pray for a solid, agreeable, and lasting peace in the Middle East.
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