Photo Credit: AP/File, retrieved from www.streetgangs.com
I'm still thinking about the further destruction of the word "justice" that has occurred because of the execution of Stanley Williams. Justice is solely(just) based on "just" and that only means "upholding the law" it seems. Can someone please explain to me the mission of these prisons that we spend hundreds of millions of dollars to maintain and expand? Reformation...
Haha. Are there those of us who still believe that is what it is about? What do these prisons care for reformation? Or rehabilitation? Let us not digress with things that are already so blatant to those of us who understand, those of use who care, those of us who can make a difference.
Indeed, Tookie "CO-founded" the Crips, one of many gangs that have existed, and will continue to exist, throughout human history. The Crips are particularly notorious because of their standing in recent socio-cultural 'arenas of dialogue', throughout the WORLD. The United States' Media pervades any country with any sort of media market, underground included. Think about everyone who knows Snoop Doggy Dogg, Monster, Daz...that's enough, movies like Boyz n The Hood, I mean must I explain?
Tookie represented all I can conceive of reformation, in liberal society's terms (stop associating the word "liberal" with the "American Democratic Party"). How can you blame a young man for creating a group, no matter what the reason, of other young men?Yes...They rebelled. They did what they wanted-let the "blonde beast" come out. I am in no way defending the actions of Crips in general. It seems that some view Mr. Williams' execution as some sort of retribution for all the crimes that the Crips have committed. How disgusting. One can imagine it from a dreadful red perspective, "Jesus must be held responsible for all of the sins that the people in the group he 'CO-founded' committed". Stuck in the swamp.
Turn *pick up the needle (noise)* table.
There were many who mobilized to show that they supported clemency for Mr. Williams in California. Even more mobilized to show that they believe Mr. Williams had reformed. The message he has worked hard to disseminate over the past ten years-- Anti-Gang, Anti-Drug-- seems to gain a level of justice that should have "allowed" (WHO, WHAT, _____ has ordained a person this right?) us to keep Mr. Williams alive...Truly what a tragedy.
Some more about Mr. Williams execution, and the outrage that it has sparked amongst many different groups.
What a debate! Where do you stand? Even in the traditionally liberal San Francisco Bay Area, there was no clear majority stance. The amount that have expressed "satisfaction" (implying pleasure...?!) with his execution seems to equal the amount that have expressed "sadness" (including shock, emptiness, and contemplation). Unfortunately, but hardly surprising, most people don't seem to care.
Are we headed in the direction of nothingness? Nihilism? Willing something, willing nothingness?
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