Sunday, December 18, 2005

Stop Snitching Press Conference

Media Advisory

What: Project Islamic HOPE & a coalition of L.A community
family members who have lost children to gang violence
will launch a city wide campaign to ask store
owners to remove and stop selling shirts with
the slogans " Stop Snitching " in their stores.

When: Monday: Dec 19th 2005

Time: 11:00 AM

Where: 4000 Crenshaw Blvd ( King & Crenshaw )

Why? "The highest rates of homicides due to gang violence
occur in South Los Angeles Ca, "The stop Snitching"
message that is being promoted in our community and
nationally on these T-shirts are a form of intimidation
to potential witnesses who may have seen or have
knowledge of a murder or violent act that was
committed. We want these offensive shirts removed
stated Najee Ali, of Project Islamic H.O.P.E.

Sponsors: Project Islamic H.O.P.E
The National Action Network( NAN)
Mothers of Murdered Children

Contact: (323 )769-5267
Project Islamic H.O.P.E ( Najee Ali)

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