Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Respect Where Respect is Due: Sway

Straight from The Bishop of Hip-Hop, check out this interview with Sway, straight knowledge...

It's on the blog, posted on 11.14.2005
  • Holla at a Scholla

  • Just a couple thoughts I have in response...

    People often believe that because of what commercial rap is today, Hip-Hop can't be politically effective. That is wrong, because there are so many other people who are working to have a political impact that look at themselves as being a part of Hip-Hop Culture, they often call themselves Hip-Hop Activists. There are some "commercial rappers" that make valuable contributions in this regard as well. In the political realm, for the most part, however, rappers are like cold frogs stuck in the swamp...

    I agree that the lack of a common message creates a loss of power in the culture. However, if these individuals are truly as powerful as they claim to be, carrying a political message that is altruistic, that is honest, and that is common...there are so many people that need one it shouldn't be hard to create a following...

    Respect Sway.

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