Wednesday, December 14, 2005

The Treasury Dept. is blocking Cuba from playing in the WBC.

That means Cuba can't play in the "highly anticipated" inaugural World Baseball Classic. When is our Government going to reconcile with Cuba? (After Castro dies, blah blah blah). The Cold War is OVER! We WON! The most sad thing about this is I'm not surprised. Cuba should be able to send a team to the WBC. The fact that our Government is casually tainting an event that is, among other things, celebrating our "National Pastime" with the world is terrible. Another sign that our Gov. has its priorities mixed up...

  • What MLB says about it

  • Note: I'm a big fan of baseball. I am looking forward to the WBC. I hope the US Gov. changes its position on this issue- so formal.

    1 comment:

    Anonymous said...

    Yeah man, that's fucking wack.