Monday, December 26, 2005
It's time for relaxation
2005 was pretty hectic, to say the very least. I'm kicking it for the same. Best for 06 potna.
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
Sunday, December 18, 2005
Stop Snitching Press Conference
Media Advisory
What: Project Islamic HOPE & a coalition of L.A community
family members who have lost children to gang violence
will launch a city wide campaign to ask store
owners to remove and stop selling shirts with
the slogans " Stop Snitching " in their stores.
When: Monday: Dec 19th 2005
Time: 11:00 AM
Where: 4000 Crenshaw Blvd ( King & Crenshaw )
Why? "The highest rates of homicides due to gang violence
occur in South Los Angeles Ca, "The stop Snitching"
message that is being promoted in our community and
nationally on these T-shirts are a form of intimidation
to potential witnesses who may have seen or have
knowledge of a murder or violent act that was
committed. We want these offensive shirts removed
stated Najee Ali, of Project Islamic H.O.P.E.
Sponsors: Project Islamic H.O.P.E
The National Action Network( NAN)
Mothers of Murdered Children
Contact: (323 )769-5267
Project Islamic H.O.P.E ( Najee Ali)
What: Project Islamic HOPE & a coalition of L.A community
family members who have lost children to gang violence
will launch a city wide campaign to ask store
owners to remove and stop selling shirts with
the slogans " Stop Snitching " in their stores.
When: Monday: Dec 19th 2005
Time: 11:00 AM
Where: 4000 Crenshaw Blvd ( King & Crenshaw )
Why? "The highest rates of homicides due to gang violence
occur in South Los Angeles Ca, "The stop Snitching"
message that is being promoted in our community and
nationally on these T-shirts are a form of intimidation
to potential witnesses who may have seen or have
knowledge of a murder or violent act that was
committed. We want these offensive shirts removed
stated Najee Ali, of Project Islamic H.O.P.E.
Sponsors: Project Islamic H.O.P.E
The National Action Network( NAN)
Mothers of Murdered Children
Contact: (323 )769-5267
Project Islamic H.O.P.E ( Najee Ali)
Thursday, December 15, 2005
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
The Treasury Dept. is blocking Cuba from playing in the WBC.
That means Cuba can't play in the "highly anticipated" inaugural World Baseball Classic. When is our Government going to reconcile with Cuba? (After Castro dies, blah blah blah). The Cold War is OVER! We WON! The most sad thing about this is I'm not surprised. Cuba should be able to send a team to the WBC. The fact that our Government is casually tainting an event that is, among other things, celebrating our "National Pastime" with the world is terrible. Another sign that our Gov. has its priorities mixed up...
What MLB says about it
Note: I'm a big fan of baseball. I am looking forward to the WBC. I hope the US Gov. changes its position on this issue- so formal.
Note: I'm a big fan of baseball. I am looking forward to the WBC. I hope the US Gov. changes its position on this issue- so formal.
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
Still thinking about it. (Of course.)

Photo Credit: AP/File, retrieved from
I'm still thinking about the further destruction of the word "justice" that has occurred because of the execution of Stanley Williams. Justice is solely(just) based on "just" and that only means "upholding the law" it seems. Can someone please explain to me the mission of these prisons that we spend hundreds of millions of dollars to maintain and expand? Reformation...
Haha. Are there those of us who still believe that is what it is about? What do these prisons care for reformation? Or rehabilitation? Let us not digress with things that are already so blatant to those of us who understand, those of use who care, those of us who can make a difference.
Indeed, Tookie "CO-founded" the Crips, one of many gangs that have existed, and will continue to exist, throughout human history. The Crips are particularly notorious because of their standing in recent socio-cultural 'arenas of dialogue', throughout the WORLD. The United States' Media pervades any country with any sort of media market, underground included. Think about everyone who knows Snoop Doggy Dogg, Monster, Daz...that's enough, movies like Boyz n The Hood, I mean must I explain?
Tookie represented all I can conceive of reformation, in liberal society's terms (stop associating the word "liberal" with the "American Democratic Party"). How can you blame a young man for creating a group, no matter what the reason, of other young men?Yes...They rebelled. They did what they wanted-let the "blonde beast" come out. I am in no way defending the actions of Crips in general. It seems that some view Mr. Williams' execution as some sort of retribution for all the crimes that the Crips have committed. How disgusting. One can imagine it from a dreadful red perspective, "Jesus must be held responsible for all of the sins that the people in the group he 'CO-founded' committed". Stuck in the swamp.
Turn *pick up the needle (noise)* table.
There were many who mobilized to show that they supported clemency for Mr. Williams in California. Even more mobilized to show that they believe Mr. Williams had reformed. The message he has worked hard to disseminate over the past ten years-- Anti-Gang, Anti-Drug-- seems to gain a level of justice that should have "allowed" (WHO, WHAT, _____ has ordained a person this right?) us to keep Mr. Williams alive...Truly what a tragedy.
Some more about Mr. Williams execution, and the outrage that it has sparked amongst many different groups.
What a debate! Where do you stand? Even in the traditionally liberal San Francisco Bay Area, there was no clear majority stance. The amount that have expressed "satisfaction" (implying pleasure...?!) with his execution seems to equal the amount that have expressed "sadness" (including shock, emptiness, and contemplation). Unfortunately, but hardly surprising, most people don't seem to care.
Are we headed in the direction of nothingness? Nihilism? Willing something, willing nothingness?
Saturday, December 10, 2005
RIP Richard Pryor
Richard Pryor passes away at the age of 65. He died of a heart attack. Not only will I remember him for his comedy, I'll also remember him for his role in the Mack. My thoughts are with those who loved him.
Pathbreaking Comedian Richard Pryor Dies
JT Snow, it's sad that you're not a Giant anymore.
All I can say is I respect JT Snow. He's a gentleman, businessman, and familyman...all character traits I respect. I wish him the best of luck.
Friday, December 09, 2005
Not Good.
This definately does not look good, how much more can we allow our reputation to slide? This is extremeley unsettling for me. What do we not know? Not just about torture, about other aspects of the Gov.
US has been blocking the Red Cross from seeing certain prisoners.
That's not the type of action I want to have representing me in the international arena, seriously people?! How can this be so passive in our media? How are we as Americans not disgusted? I'm not talking to we really, where are all those that belive in evil right now? You red ones.
How about the Social Security System and Medicaid benefits? Y'all been listening to Greenspan?
Try to end positive...
You can do something good today.
What is good you say?
There is going to be a World Series of Baseball.
That's not the type of action I want to have representing me in the international arena, seriously people?! How can this be so passive in our media? How are we as Americans not disgusted? I'm not talking to we really, where are all those that belive in evil right now? You red ones.
How about the Social Security System and Medicaid benefits? Y'all been listening to Greenspan?
Try to end positive...
You can do something good today.
What is good you say?
There is going to be a World Series of Baseball.
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
Save Tookie
I know I already told most of you, but in cased you missed it...Tookie Williams is about to be executed, Terminated by the Terminator. That's F$%K#$ on so many different levels. This man has written about the negative aspects of the lifestyle he used to live that implicated him with events that landed him in prison. More importantly though is that he is able to do this with a large level or respect, indeed he is a co-founder of the Crips.
Executing this man will accomplish absolutely nothing as far as I know. There is no justice, only ironically ominous feelings.
Join Us and Do Something
Executing this man will accomplish absolutely nothing as far as I know. There is no justice, only ironically ominous feelings.
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
World of Possibilities
This week has been a busy one for lots of us, especially those in academia. This is a nice, true story about a person who followed their "heart" and chose the unconventional path. He is not long out of high school, long decided not to attend college, half way across the world in (several parts of) Asia, and expanding the groundwork for a non-profit organization that he has started called the "World of Possibilities." I can't tell you how much I respect Wolfe Price for what he has done, is doing, and will continue to do...
Here's a little about what World of Possibilities will do
World of Possibilities empowers less fortunate teens to choose compassion over crime by volunteering globally to change the world and change themselves.
World of Possibilities will send Bay Area teens aged 14 to 20 overseas to volunteer in orphanages and teach English in countries with famine and AIDS. The non-profit will help neglected teens with hardships; teens with deadbeat Dads, teens on drugs who want to stop, promiscuous teens, and any young adult who has fallen by the wayside to spread their wings and fly to the tune of their own heartbeat. The programs take young adults out of a bad situation to become confident and strong seeing themselves be effective in the world by helping others and being part of the solution and not part of the problem.
Source: World of Possibilities website, url below. I hope you check it out, I strongly support this kind of program and hope to make that even more explicit in the future.
World of Possibilities website
Here's a little about what World of Possibilities will do
World of Possibilities empowers less fortunate teens to choose compassion over crime by volunteering globally to change the world and change themselves.
World of Possibilities will send Bay Area teens aged 14 to 20 overseas to volunteer in orphanages and teach English in countries with famine and AIDS. The non-profit will help neglected teens with hardships; teens with deadbeat Dads, teens on drugs who want to stop, promiscuous teens, and any young adult who has fallen by the wayside to spread their wings and fly to the tune of their own heartbeat. The programs take young adults out of a bad situation to become confident and strong seeing themselves be effective in the world by helping others and being part of the solution and not part of the problem.
Source: World of Possibilities website, url below. I hope you check it out, I strongly support this kind of program and hope to make that even more explicit in the future.
Saturday, December 03, 2005
So What Do YOU think About This?
Read the Story from the BBC.
CIA flights 'landed in Germany'
First of all, there really isn't anything surprising about CIA flights landing in Germany. The US military has been in Germany for half a century, our intelligence agents have been in and out of there for years, and the US and Germany have enjoyed a special relationship in regards like this for a long time. Indeed, there are these allegations of illegal prisoner torture. As I've previously said many times, if the CIA is guilty of these particular charges, for they have been accused and guilty before, I will be revolted.
Why then has the CIA not come forward about what they were transporting or doing on these flights, etc? It is an INTELLIGENCE agency, its nature is to be covert, we know only so much about what they are up to in that organization. I mean this in all practicality.
I will never forget Nicaragua. I will never forget Iraq and Iran. I will never forget Vietnam. I will never forget Gary Webb.
Peace y'all.
First of all, there really isn't anything surprising about CIA flights landing in Germany. The US military has been in Germany for half a century, our intelligence agents have been in and out of there for years, and the US and Germany have enjoyed a special relationship in regards like this for a long time. Indeed, there are these allegations of illegal prisoner torture. As I've previously said many times, if the CIA is guilty of these particular charges, for they have been accused and guilty before, I will be revolted.
Why then has the CIA not come forward about what they were transporting or doing on these flights, etc? It is an INTELLIGENCE agency, its nature is to be covert, we know only so much about what they are up to in that organization. I mean this in all practicality.
I will never forget Nicaragua. I will never forget Iraq and Iran. I will never forget Vietnam. I will never forget Gary Webb.
Peace y'all.
Friday, December 02, 2005
Soul Imperialist Breaking a Story for Me
Lee Quinones, aka Lee, biked from NY to Miami in 35 days to raise money for Hurricane Katrina victims. You have to respect that.
Find The Post titled "A Brooklyn Artist"
Thursday, December 01, 2005
Writerz Guild Wednesdays!!!
Toodaaay, I feel like pleeeasiing yooou moore than beefore...
To be living for yooou is aaalllll I waaant to do...
It's for the deejays & producers, A Something artsy Mike plays lots everywhere! T.R.O.Y.
To be living for yooou is aaalllll I waaant to do...
It's for the deejays & producers, A Something artsy Mike plays lots everywhere! T.R.O.Y.
Wednesday, November 30, 2005
The US Government and Honesty
I, like so many of you, have been extremely disgusted by many of the actions of people that represent the United States: the prisoner abuse at Abu Ghraib, consciously sacrificing the best interests of posterity for economic gain, lying under oath, and now this...The recent allegations of "secret prisons" being run by the CIA for torture are troubling to me. Of course, I never support the killing of innocent civilians, which is what terrorism is. I respect and support people who dedicate their lives to combating terrorism. However, torture is crossing the line, and I don't think the United States should be engaging in any sort of torture...Hopefully these allegations are false.
Is torture ever okay? For example, if there is a person who knows where a nuclear bomb set to explode is in Miami, would you torture them to find out where it is? I mean, you might be quick to say yes...But what if that person actually did not know where it is? What if you tortured them and that only made them stronger in the resolve to allow it to explode? I think there are much better ways to combat terrorism than torture...
Why then has the United States not come out and denied these allegations about secret prisons? Maybe it's because they don't even care to grace the accusers with an answer, but that doesn't make sense since one of the many questioning the US right now is the UK Foreign Secretary Jack Straw! The United States really needs to answer these allegations. Unfortunately for the US Government, its record of honesty is not a strong one, and even if they say "No" to these allegations...A lot of people will doubt that that is the truth.
Read a little more about it right now.
Is torture ever okay? For example, if there is a person who knows where a nuclear bomb set to explode is in Miami, would you torture them to find out where it is? I mean, you might be quick to say yes...But what if that person actually did not know where it is? What if you tortured them and that only made them stronger in the resolve to allow it to explode? I think there are much better ways to combat terrorism than torture...
Why then has the United States not come out and denied these allegations about secret prisons? Maybe it's because they don't even care to grace the accusers with an answer, but that doesn't make sense since one of the many questioning the US right now is the UK Foreign Secretary Jack Straw! The United States really needs to answer these allegations. Unfortunately for the US Government, its record of honesty is not a strong one, and even if they say "No" to these allegations...A lot of people will doubt that that is the truth.
Save Stan "Tookie" Williams
Stan Williams is one of the co-founders of the Crip gang. He's been in jail since 1981, as a result of testimony from other violent criminals who had nothing to lose by pointing the finger at him, i.e. some circumstantial testimonies. Since he's been in jail, he's done large amounts of work promoting peace and non-violence in our communities, and admitted he regrets his gang past. He maintains his innocence...The man is about to be executed, something that to me seems unjust given all he has done in jail. He was even considered for the Noble Peace Prize! C'mon, if this man is executed he will become a martyr. That is a small point next to the fact that it is unjust. Sign the petition to stop the execution!!!!
Save Tookie
You make Bryant Gumble look like Malcolm X
My main man, Adisa "The Bishop" Banjoko, putting an end to all the controversy surrounding his person. Set the record straight!
Thanks for coming to the party Adisa, we had a good time, and thank you for your nice comments. Best.
Holla at a Scholar!
Thanks for coming to the party Adisa, we had a good time, and thank you for your nice comments. Best.
Monday, November 28, 2005
This is Tragic
It's kinda crazy for me to hear about horrible things happening like this. I wish people were more aware of the consequences of their actions...We all makes mistakes, this one is truelly tragic.
San Leandro man killed at his 21st birthday party
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
Salamat Datang
I was in Malaysia this summer doing an internship getting my career on. It was a mind boggling experience...I was introduced to some new fruits, drinks, dishes, people, customs, I can't even tell you it all. I really appreciate the opportunity I had to go on a trip out there, I know not everyone can. It was the bomb.
Of course when I was there I kept my eyes out for evidence of Hip-Hop...there was a lot: I saw a a bit of tagging, some outlines and characters, three pieces along a river, heard a lot of rap, 50 was all over the TV, girls had Outkast songs for cell phones, etc.
Once I was driving on the highway with a friend, jungle and palm plantations all around, occasionally we'd drive by some houses or a resteraunt. We were knocking Illmatic.
You know how that go.
Check out this blog, one source to help keep you up to date on the some Malay Hip-Hop.
Malaysian Hip-Hop Portal (The Bazement)
Of course when I was there I kept my eyes out for evidence of Hip-Hop...there was a lot: I saw a a bit of tagging, some outlines and characters, three pieces along a river, heard a lot of rap, 50 was all over the TV, girls had Outkast songs for cell phones, etc.
Once I was driving on the highway with a friend, jungle and palm plantations all around, occasionally we'd drive by some houses or a resteraunt. We were knocking Illmatic.
You know how that go.
Check out this blog, one source to help keep you up to date on the some Malay Hip-Hop.
Warriors Game
First of all, sorry I haven't been updating...been relaxing too much I guess. I went to the Warriors game last night, we won 100-97. Sent the Nets back to New Jersey with a Loss, yes. It felt so good to see the Warriors win against a respectable team in person. I also got an all white warriors jersey. I can't find a picture of it on the net though, so sorry.
Sunday, November 20, 2005
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
Respect Where Respect is Due: Sway
Straight from The Bishop of Hip-Hop, check out this interview with Sway, straight knowledge...
It's on the blog, posted on 11.14.2005
Holla at a Scholla
Just a couple thoughts I have in response...
People often believe that because of what commercial rap is today, Hip-Hop can't be politically effective. That is wrong, because there are so many other people who are working to have a political impact that look at themselves as being a part of Hip-Hop Culture, they often call themselves Hip-Hop Activists. There are some "commercial rappers" that make valuable contributions in this regard as well. In the political realm, for the most part, however, rappers are like cold frogs stuck in the swamp...
I agree that the lack of a common message creates a loss of power in the culture. However, if these individuals are truly as powerful as they claim to be, carrying a political message that is altruistic, that is honest, and that is common...there are so many people that need one it shouldn't be hard to create a following...
Respect Sway.
It's on the blog, posted on 11.14.2005
Just a couple thoughts I have in response...
People often believe that because of what commercial rap is today, Hip-Hop can't be politically effective. That is wrong, because there are so many other people who are working to have a political impact that look at themselves as being a part of Hip-Hop Culture, they often call themselves Hip-Hop Activists. There are some "commercial rappers" that make valuable contributions in this regard as well. In the political realm, for the most part, however, rappers are like cold frogs stuck in the swamp...
I agree that the lack of a common message creates a loss of power in the culture. However, if these individuals are truly as powerful as they claim to be, carrying a political message that is altruistic, that is honest, and that is common...there are so many people that need one it shouldn't be hard to create a following...
Respect Sway.
When Stereotypes *hard pause* Come True.
It was incredible, absolutely ridonculous. Background: I'm a student at a small New England D3 school. Story: My good friend and I are on the way to the Library at 7 at night on a path that is about four people wide. Coming from the opposite direction towards us is a group of male students wearing their school team sport warm up jackets. They are standing side by side. My friend and I move to the side, but they don't move at all. "Don't break the line". My friend moves out of the way, I move my limbs together to make a possible impact less damaging...they don't move at all and walk right into me. I hit their shoulders with my held up elbows (like I'm putting up my dukes, but with my elbows held up outstretched). They laugh and keep on walking.
I was so taken aback at how amateur that was I felt like I didn't even need to talk shit. It was amazing. These JOCKS were being BULLIES in COLLEGE? I'll tell you like this too, I could have talked shit and taken at least two of them down with me, but I didn't. I'm a nonviolent person. I don't appreciate their actions or the violent urge that overcomes me in reaction to their actions.
Have you ever experienced any situations *pause* When Stereotypes *hard pause* Come True"? Tell us about it in an email.
I was so taken aback at how amateur that was I felt like I didn't even need to talk shit. It was amazing. These JOCKS were being BULLIES in COLLEGE? I'll tell you like this too, I could have talked shit and taken at least two of them down with me, but I didn't. I'm a nonviolent person. I don't appreciate their actions or the violent urge that overcomes me in reaction to their actions.
Have you ever experienced any situations *pause* When Stereotypes *hard pause* Come True"? Tell us about it in an email.
Country Fried Soul...IN YO' FACE!

Photo Credit:, design by Paul Cooper Design
Today I just finished another great Hip-Hop book, it's well written by Tamara Palmer (who hails from The BAY) and titled "Country Fried Soul: Adventures in Dirty South Hip-Hop". Simply put, it's an entertaining, enciteful read. This book has interviews with so many well known figures in Southern rap, as well as some from Cali...
I guarantee you one of the people you just thought of us in the book.
Palmer leads the reader through a variety of subjects and in a way that feels like a discussion, but one that you really are INTO. It's like you're talking about religion with Cee-Lo, speaking about civil liberty with Luther Campbell, and breaking down linguistics with Charlie Hustle...and so much more. I appreciate the stories told, the honesty, and good feeling that this book has.
I'm just talking about a part of this book too, there is a whole's obvious a deejay wrote this book. It has so many resources to get your knowledge on with, as well as recommendations and reviews. Tamara Palmer did an excellent job...and I'm so happy because I bet she had a lot of fun doing it too!
Check out the book, it's a great read.
Sunday, November 13, 2005
A History of the Hip-Hop Generation

Photo Credit: Cover by Brent Rollins Design Explosion, with Photos by Henry Chalfant,
It's unfortunate if you haven't heard by now, but Jeff Chang's book "Can't Stop Won't Stop" came out around the beginning of the year, and it is an amazing book. There is talk all up and down the culture...Personally, I really appreciate Jeff Chang's ability to convey the history and politics through stories off all different kinds. From Jamaica to Washington DC...Bam to Kam...Harry Allen to Polyculturalism...He took me places. I'm not the only one, I have lots of friends who have been involved with Hip-Hop for years, have read the book, and attended lectures and Q&As that Jeff Chang gave speaking about his book and the research he did for it, which took him about 10 years, they all had good things to say.
Simply put, it's a great history of our culture and one of the best Hip-Hop books available...check out Jeff's website below.
The Simpsons
I'm watching the Simpsons right now, on the East Coast, so all you West Coast heads...check it out. The new espisodes are hilarious. When this show stops running new shows it's going to leave a strange void in my life.
"you've got my teeth whitening stuff in your suitcase"
"you've got my teeth whitening stuff in your suitcase"
Trippers on the train
I was just on the train and I saw some dude who was on one!! He had some headphones on that said "DJ Nite Train" and was watching "Wild Style" on a little DVD player and was just bobbing his head, feeling it I guess. He also had this purple Tellatubby (sp?) hanging from his least he was having fun.
Friday, November 11, 2005
Fuck Bill O'Reilly
I never really paid attention to him that much, but he's taken it too far. Saying he wouldn't blink if terrorists attacked SF?!! What the hell is that all about...What an asshole.
Bill Shmill
Thursday, November 10, 2005
Your Prof is a BBoy?
Check out the Soul Imperialist describing one of his recent experiences in academia, I love the fact that he started breaking during a panel...
Dr. Joe Twist
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
I Mean I'm Excited

Photo Credit: Gary Dineen/Getty Images from
Warriors beat the Bucks 110-103!!! Yo, I don't know if all of you know this, but I expect the Warriors to show up this season...maybe even a playoff birth. I'm trying to be conservative because I want to see them accomplish something this season...right now they're 3-1. BD played tonight, he scored 20 and gave 15 assists.
Saturday, November 05, 2005

Neva Legal is pretty sick, I like a lot of songs they're on. This album, I'm not sure if it is self titled or called "Potnaz in Crime", but it's tight. "Lyrical Warfare" is a Bay classic, that piano, uh, with Chunk, what!? Check it some pretty good vocal interpolation and if you like the Bay shit, which I hope you do, then you're going to like some tracks on this album. Also features some nice samples, "hating on playaz when you shoud be out there gettin' paper" or "tell me have you, seen my body? I think I lost it somewhere in the WEST bay" and some saucy guest appearences. Good luck finding it though....HAHA!!!!

Photo Credit: Buy the book bitches and read.
I'll admit it, I only read parts of the book before seeing the film, but Sam Mendes (Director of film) is the man, he always leaves me satisfied after seeing a movie. First "American Beauty", then "Road to Perdition", and now "Jarhead". "Jarhead" just came out today, and is based on a book of the same title by Anthony Swofford. It's a film about a group of Marines, around the time of and during the first Gulf War. It took me places...if you're wondering if there are any movies to see in the theatre, this might be a good one to start with, unless you'd rather see "Saw II" or...I won't get started.
Friday, November 04, 2005
The Power of Music
As Ali G might say, "Music, what's it all about?" I'm sitting here listening to the Ohio Players album "Honey" and I'm reminded again of how wonderful music is. What other creation of man can stir up such a wide range of emotions, bring people together, serve as a tool, and be sold as a commodity generating income for thousands of people? It provides comfort for so many of us in times of desperation, acts as a shoulder to cry on, pumps us up before the game, soothes us while we hang, lets us get our groove on, the soundtrack to so many moments. I mean, to many of you this may be nothing new...but I guess I'm just appreciating how powerful music is.
You can talk about Fela Kuti and the meaning his music had to the people of Nigeria.
You can talk about Lil' Jon and his ability to make you move.
You can talk about Kam and the Gang Peace Treaty in 1993.
You can talk about how happy it makes me to find a sample.
You can talk about the woman singing the German national anthem to all the French soldiers in Kubrick's "Paths of Glory".
You can talk about my little sisters' smiles when pressing buttons on their play toys.
You can talk about Bambaattaa spreading the wealth...
And the beat goes on.
Music, it certainly is a powerful phenomenon, you "Sweet Sticky Thing" (making my own meaning).
"Say what!?"
You can talk about Fela Kuti and the meaning his music had to the people of Nigeria.
You can talk about Lil' Jon and his ability to make you move.
You can talk about Kam and the Gang Peace Treaty in 1993.
You can talk about how happy it makes me to find a sample.
You can talk about the woman singing the German national anthem to all the French soldiers in Kubrick's "Paths of Glory".
You can talk about my little sisters' smiles when pressing buttons on their play toys.
You can talk about Bambaattaa spreading the wealth...
And the beat goes on.
Music, it certainly is a powerful phenomenon, you "Sweet Sticky Thing" (making my own meaning).
"Say what!?"
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
It's the Ness y'all!!!!!

Alien Ness (middle) kicks it down under I assume.
Photo Credit: Australian BBoy,
(It was hard not to start quoting Marc "Chopper" Reed there.)
I may be out of context, whatever "that" means, but today I had a great experience. I was able to attend a Q&A with two B-Boy legends. One among the first to bring the Hip-Hop dance to Boston: Lino Delgado el Presidente de los Floor Lords, and the other, the main event who hails from Harlem: Zulu King Alien Ness. The whole jam was organized by: the Professor Dr. Joe Twist, who deserves the utmost respect.
They talked about their experiences being part of the culture in the younger days, and then were quick to answer questions with answers that took you somewhere, if you know what I mean. We laughed, we were serious, we sighed, and we were happy. The only thing odd about it was that it was in the middle of the day (started at 10:30), a little early for Hip-Hop we always say...Haha. It was a great way to start the day...
Check out the Floor Lords signature Saucony...

Photo Credit: The Saucony website,
Monday, October 31, 2005
Tocqueville to Tupac

Photo Credit: UCSB Philosophy Department,
I've read a good amount of philosophy over the course of my career as a student. In the early stages, some readings made me anxious because they rose questions that my mind: couldn't answer, was afraid of, or was unable to process. That is my guess at least. Nietzsche contributed the most to this, but I'm not sure how I feel about him yet. I'll probably know better in January, after I've gotten around to reading "On the Genealogy of Morals", because I place heavy weight on morality. Anyway, I've also read a lot of political science (I'm majoring in political science) and remember that after I read "The Prince" by Machiavelli I was surprised at the extent that Machiavelli came through in Tupac's lyrics.
I don't know how many people that read political science regularly associate with Hip-Hop culture too, but I enjoy reading it a lot, especially political theory. One book that I'm reading right now, and greatly enjoy is Alexis de Tocqueville's "On Democracy in America". Tocqueville was a French aristocrat who came over to the United States in the 1830s and wrote a book about what he observed while being here. He talks about all sorts of things in his book as some of the chapter titles make clear, "Why American Peoples Show a More Ardent and More Lasting Love for Equality than for Freedom" or, "How the Excessive Love of Well-Being Can Be Harmful to Well-Being".
One might be quick to point out that this study of America is not applicable today because so many things have changed since then, and in 1830 slavery still existed in the US. Tocqueville realized this "shortcoming" and focused his study in areas where slavery was illegal, like in the North. (Tocqueville means a social equality not a system of voting when he says Democracy.) Furthermore, Tocqueville was writing as a friend of democracy, so while he pointed out the advantages of it, he also criticized it in hopes that democratic peoples would avoid problems that Tocqueville believed would arise with democracy.
Here are a couple of quotes that I really enjoyed...
Vl. 2 Pt. 2 Ch. 15-Talking about religious believes and Americans going to church and reading holy text- "...Thus at times the American in a way steals away from himself, and as he is torn away for a moment from the small passions that agitate his life and the passing interests that fill it, he at once enters into an ideal world in which all is great, pure, eternal."
Vl. 2 Pt. 1 Ch. 11-Talking about how Americans cultivate the arts, a chapter in which I saw many comments that are applicable to Hip-Hop culture today, an art form born out of (in part) democracy, you decide- "...[the worker or artist] strives to invent processes that permit him to work not only better, but more quickly and with less cost, and if he cannot succeed at this, to diminish the intrinsic qualities of the thing he makes without rendering it entirely unfit for the use for which it is destined. When it was only the rich who had watches, they were almost all excellent. Scarcely any but mediocre ones are made any longer, but everyone has one. Thus, democracy not only tends to direct the human mind toward the useful arts, it beings artisans to make many imperfect things very rapidly, and the consumer to content himself with these things."
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Sunday, October 30, 2005
Niners win!
I've been a 49ers fan my whole life, and it's been depressing lately. Niners fans got spoiled with the likes of Montana, Rice, Lott, Jones, Norton Jr, Primetime, Young, Owens, etc...I was talking all sorts of shit about the Niners winning at least six games this season, I still haven't given up hope. Be aware, I still hoped the Giants would make the playoffs after they went 1-5 in a home series against the Royals and Tribe, wow. Crippling. Anyway, the point of this is that the Niners beat the Bucs, and I applaud that, despite the fact that I like the Bucs too.

Kevin Barlow ran for 101 yards on 26 carries against the Bucs on Halloween Eve.
Photo Credit: Getty Images via CBS Sportsline,

Kevin Barlow ran for 101 yards on 26 carries against the Bucs on Halloween Eve.
Photo Credit: Getty Images via CBS Sportsline,
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